Friday, April 29, 2011

my boy

Let me tell you a story. It begins in February of 2008 when I met a boy. One day he came over to my apartment with his roommate to introduce themselves as my home teachers. I didn't know it at the time but that boy was going to change my life forever.

Fast forward 3 years and I am now married to said boy and we have an adorable little family together. This boy means the world to me!

Today is my boys birthday! 26!

Happy Birthday sweetheart! I figured I would give you a list of the top ten things I love about you!

1. You are such an amazing dad and husband! I don't know what SJ and  I would do without you!
2. You always make me smile. I think you are hilarious! It is amazing how many times you can make me laugh out loud! 
3. How strong your testimony is. I know that with you our family will always be strong in the gospel.
4. How compassionate of a person you are. You go out of your way for everyone else. It makes me want to be a better person - more like you.
5. How much you go out of your way to help me and make me feel comfortable, no matter the situation.
6. Your freckles on your lips :)
7. How handsome you are!
8. How you are always willing to help out. (You do the laundry a lot more than I do!!)
9. You are so responsible and hard working.  I am so proud of you for getting into medical school! I am looking forward to our wonderful adventure!
10. How much you love me!

I love you babe! Happy happy happy birthday!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Problem Averted

Good news! I found my camera. 
Well, actually, my mom found my camera... but I will still take the credit! 

Highlights of our last couple of weeks:

Last weekend we went down to Salina on Saturday for the annual 'eat in the garage' Easter tradition. It was a lot of fun and it was great that SJ was finally able to meet his great grandparents on Devin's side.

We spent the weekend before at my parents house 'house-sitting' and 'puppy sitting'. It was nice to have a little more space! 

Harry Potter 7 part 1 came out. Nuff' said.

It seems our family is really good at passing around a cold bug. We all have taken our turns being sick for the last couple weeks. SJ has had it the worst. We have definitely taken more trips to the pediatrician than I ever thought we would! I think he knows us by name :)

SJ has been growing like crazy! At his two month appointment last week he was almost 13 pounds and 23" long. Pretty soon he is going to double his birth weight! We have moved up to the size 3 month clothes. SJ has the cutest double chin and chubby cheeks! He is also a 'daddys boy' and I love it!!

We have been taking lots of pictures!

My boys getting ready to give SJ a bath

My sleeping angel :)

SJ and his cousin, Audrey!

Naked bum!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

a bit of bad news...

This blog is currently on hiatus. I wish it wasn't but I don't know what else to do.

You see, I am in mourning.

I lost my brand new camera.

So you see, I can't bring myself to blog.

(If anyone would like to donate a semi new red camera to my cause, I would not mind one bit)

Also, Happy Easter.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

It's been a busy few weeks for our family. And when I say busy I mean, SJ, Macy and I have been chilling at home and Dev has been going to work. Ok, maybe 'busy' was an exaggeration.

This last week SJ has been sick. We took him to the pediatrician on Thursday and he told us that he most likely has a virus but to bring him back on Saturday if he wasn't any better. He didn't get any better so we took him back today. The doctor sent us down to the hospital to get x-rays done of SJ's chest to make sure it wasn't pneumonia or bronchialytis. The tests came back negative for both (Yay!) so we brought our little boy home and have been having a movie marathon day while we hold our sweetheart.

Here are a few pictures from the last couple of weeks...

This is what SJ does in the car. Thankfully he likes driving around and doesn't scream - unless he's super hungry.

 He has recently taken a liking to his swing. He loves looking at himself in the mirror on the mobile. I love looking at him too!

SJ has a love hate relationship with baths. Most of the time he screams his head off, but the last two bath times have been quite pleasant.

I love this picture!

First time at church. If you look closely you can see a tie on his shirt. He apparently was paying lots of attention!

Baseball season kicked off a couple weeks ago. This is SJ getting ready for Orange Friday!
I love my family! :)