A few things I have learned about Oregon:
-You can't pump your own gas. Literally. They will get mad at you if you even try. They do it for you, and no one really has a good explanation as to why.
-The summers are HOT. We're talking 90+ degrees with humidity. Gross. Who knew I would actually be looking forward to the rain. On the plus side, I think I am losing weight from sweating so much.
- Oregon is gorgeous! And the people are so nice. Well, for the most part.
I love our ward. All of them.
I don't really love my neighbors, but I'm working on that. Today, as I was parking, I looked into my rearview mirror and a lady across the way was giving me serious stink eye. I had to resist the urge to hop out of my car, stalk over to her and demand to know who had peed in her fruit loops. It was hard but I refrained. Also, have I mentioned the crazy lady downstairs? (aka CLD) I listen to CLD yell at her kids.all.day.long. Poor kids! Somedays I wish I could open my door and yell back at her, but what good would that do? She also smokes in front of our building multiple times a day, which isn't a crime- I know, just annoying.
A few things I've learned about myself in Oregon:
- I really like Camp Rock 2. (Don't judge. I have way too much time on my hands.)
- I can actually cook. This is a tiny miracle.
- I really stink at Wii Tennis. I'm serious. I'm really really really bad.
Ok, so maybe the things that I have learned about me aren't all that introspective. But really, what more could you expect from someone who changes poopy diapers all day.
This is basically 'Our Adventures in Oregon, the abridged version.'
I promise, eventually I will actually post something important, with pictures. That will happen after I actually remember to take our camera with us. :)