Thursday, May 26, 2011

SJ's blessing day

On May 1st we finally blessed SJ. It was a great day! We had about 50 people there and had to use the basement of The Derm (Dev's work) for our luncheon. We are so blessed to have so many people who support us! We are so grateful that SJ was able to be born in to the Gospel.

Here are a few pictures from his wonderful day!

We unfortunatley did not get a picture of Dev's parents with SJ on his blessing day but we made sure to get one the next Saturday! 


  1. Congrats! That is so exciting. He is so adorable, and you are such a cute little mom! I'm glad I found your blog. We should get together sometime when I'm in Utah county.

  2. We were so happy to spend the day with you! SJ is so cute!

  3. Hey Megan, Congrats on your little boy, he is so cute!!... Don't you just love blog surfing! Also I was looking back at your post and read that you guys are going to medical school, congrats again! :) We live in Saint Louis right now and we're in our second year of residency while my husband specializes in Anesthesia. So I know just what your about to go through... sorry. :( If you ever have any questions about anything, please don't hesitate to ask.
    You have a beautiful family. Hope your doing well and good luck with everything!
